Monday, August 29, 2016

This is the Way We Go to Church...

   We walked to church today. I think this was the first time in the entire time I have been a member that I have walked to church. It has been so miserably humid out, but the rain and low temps were just too good to pass up. 
     The church building is a bit different here than the states. It's the big city so instead of building out they built up. It has 4 floors. The chapel is on one with a few rooms off to the side. The primary room is in the basement which Pay didn't like until she found out she could ride the elevator down. 
     We were late for a few reasons, one, I'm never on time, and two, little legs do not walk as fast as google says. :) Usually when you are late for church you end up in the overflow at the back of the room on the cold metal chairs. Here you end up in a completely different room watching a TV screen. LOL. At least the chairs were comfy.
That aside it was great to take the sacrament and feel the spirit. It was a little bit of peace in a world where I feel like I'm in a blender half the time trying to outrun the beaters. The people were welcoming and kind offering help and advice. I don't think I have ever appreciated the church as much as I did on Sunday.
Temple trips are probably not as big of a deal here. All you have to do is walk next door.  It's going to be nice having a temple only a 25 minute walk away. 
NOTE: No, I didn't wear shorts to church. This picture was from another day. 

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