Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Booger Mushroom

     The kids and I went to the grocery store together. I hate grocery shopping with kids, but I need the hands to bring bags home. Every time we go shopping there is someone there giving out food to try (just like the states). We have all been very adventurous and have tried everything that has been offered to us. Most of it good.
     In this instance, we were offered a small tray of food. It looked to have 2 different types of mushrooms, some bean sprouts and cabbage in a clear sauce. I knew I liked all the veggies so I put a big scoop into my mouth. Now for those of you who know me I can eat just about anything. I will give anything a try and if I don't like it I swallow and move on. This my friends was FOUL! It was so slimy I just couldn't even chew it. To my kids shock and horror I spit it back out on the tray. It's still giving me shivers just thinking about it. I was traumatized! Payton kindly offered her tray back to the lady saying, "Um no!" Lincoln, oh my brave Lincoln took a bite. He did manage to swallow it. I was so proud! "Mom, you know what it tastes like? (Now get those visuals cranking) You know when you have one of those really long slimy boogers (he is showing me how he pull sit out) that comes out of your nose? Yup that's what it tasted like." It took everything in my power not to hurl on the floor, the laughing helped. And so the booger mushroom was born. <Shiver> To Kaden's credit he did taste it with the tip of his tongue. He was a no go too.

    We piled all our trays on top of Lincoln's and gave him the task of dumping them in the trash when the sample lady wasn't looking. I treated the kids to pastries after. It was more a treat for me. I had to wipe the horrors of my booger mushroom experience away with chocolate. So, with backpacks, fabric and Costco bags full we tredged home in the semi rain. Living to try food again another day....


  1. It's great that you and kids are having great cultural experiences. We're loving your updates. Peg said, "I wonder if it will get tedious after a while?" I said, "I'm sure it won't. Millions of Japanese live it every day." Rock on Jones family.

    1. I am grateful for kids who are so willing to try new things. Despite all the chaos and upheaval they have remained happy and upbeat. I don't think it will get tedious. I think it will become our normal.

  2. I just laughed so hard and possibly gagged a little at the visuals that were created. I had a few similar experiences when I lived in Guam
