Tuesday, August 23, 2016

First Day of School

         Nothing like wake up to typhoon warnings while trying to get kids ready for their first day. When I say wake up I do mean sometime around 4am because we are still adjusting to the time and my kids are incapable of forcing themselves to sleep. We braved the storm with borrowed umbrellas and trudged to the subway station. 

       It doesn't look very wet out in the pictures but it was pooring.  It was that lovely soaking rain that drenches you to the bone in 2 minutes. Pay didn't care she loved carrying her own umbrella and splashing in the puddles. Note to self: buy rainboots for the family. I hate wet feet.
          45 minutes and two train rides later we made it to the school a little wetter than we wanted. Next time I'm digging out the raincoats I brought. By the time Scott and I made it back to the house I was soaked even in a raincoat. (I'll spare you the drowned rat selfie) We decided to by bigger umbrellas for the journey to get them from the bus stop. Good thing to the rain had really picked up by then.  We sat in a cubby safe from the rain watching people struggle with inside out umbrellas. Some just gave up pitched the umbrella and made a run for their destination. The others continued to struggle not realizing the amount of time they struggled to right their umbrella they could have probably made it to their destination. It was entertaining to watch though. Loving my new umbrella. 

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