Monday, August 22, 2016

Japanese Toilets are cool

      This little gem isn't one of the more high tech of toilets but lets face it folks these are far superior to our American toilets. Before we brought the family Scott and I told the kids on numerous occasions how cool these toilets were. Apparently the hype was too much as we were causing them some distress. Payton was the first to use one of them at the airport. The giggles that came from the stall were tempting to record. She was sold. Kaden was the next to try. He asked what buttons did what. I left him to his business only to hear from the darkness a good 2-3 minutes later, "Mom, when does this thing stop spraying?" I forgot to mention the STOP button. ROFL I could have died with laughter at that point. Lincoln on the other hand is my skeptic. He didn't want any part of these new contraptions. After much cajoling he caved and has become a firm believer. What can I say, America is missing out.  The one in my apartment has heated seats and the lid is motion sensored and raises up and down as you come and go into the bathroom. To the say least, "I'm in love!"

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