Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Umbrella Ettiquette 101

     I have been going over umbrella ettiquette with my kids. No such thing you say?!? Well let me educate you.
1) Do not spin your umbrella. It sprays water on all the people around you.
2) Do not pull down the mechanism to close while you are walking to shoot water back up at the sky. This also gets water on the people around you. Usually your mother.
3) Pay attention to where you are going. People don't like to collide with small children who are playing with their umbrellas.
4) Your mother doesn't like to play bumper umbrellas so just don't!
5) You don't need to lift your umbrella to accomodate adults. They are bigger than you and can easily walk past you. By lifting your umbrella they have to lift their's and then everyone gets wet. The idea of an umbrella is to stay dry.
6) Do not shake the water off your umbrella in the direction of the people walking by you. It makes them cranky.
7) Do not open your umbrella like a slingshot in the middle of a large group. Knocking people over with your umbrella makes them cranky also.
8) Your closed umbrella is not a sword, staff or magic wand.
9) You have a small umbrella because you are small. It keeps you dry stop complaining.
10) Lastly, Just please behave you are prematurely aging your mother.

This is the long and short of our umbrella etiquette converstation every time it rains.They are cute little ducks though.

     Walking around in a city when it's relentlessly pouring rain is an adventure. You are constantly ducking and dodging your way through the crowd. If you don't time it just right you hook your umbrella with someone else's and are blessed with a second, third or fourth shower of the day. It's almost like a live action video game. I mean, who knew I moved to the Seattle of the East. It rains a lot here. 

     It rained so much yesterday, and I was in it for so long, my umbrella actually started leaking. I didn't even know that could happen. My poor feet. 3 pairs of shoes and 3 pairs of socks later my feet were water logged. This girl needs a pair of rain boots or I could always take a page out of this guys book. ROFL.

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