Saturday, September 10, 2016

Stop the Insanity! News Flash: Dogs Can Walk.

Any one who knows me, knows I love my dog! I love all dogs. I digress...How can you not love a face like this??? And his howl! I miss him tons, just a few more months, Buddy.

Sorry, got a little distracted there. So, when we moved into our apartment and were getting the tour, the concierge asked if we had a dog pram. "A What???" She calmly replied, "a dog carriage for your dog," (she thought I misunderstood, I was thinking she was crazy and wanting to confirm), "we have one you can borrow if you need." "Yeah, I don't have one of those, I think I'll be ok. Our dog has 4 legs."

Apparently you can't walk your dog inside the building you have to carry him out. Fair enough I wouldn't want dogs having accidents inside the building. I would think though once you got them outside you would put them down and let them, I don't know...walk?!? You see them all over the city though, owners taking there dogs out for a carriage ride, pushing them up the millions of hills here. I can't help but snicker every time I see one. I love my dog, but there is no one on God's green earth that I would push, Tucker around in a stroller up these hills. Ummm NO. He can walk his darn self. How are these stroller dogs supposed to get exercise? How are they supposed to sniff and well...pee? I found this cute pooch waiting patiently in his "pram" while his owner picked a few things up at the grocery. These little strollers range in price from $50 to $300. So I'm kindly requesting we STOP the INSANITY! Let you dog walk people they will be ok, I promise. Spend that money somewhere else.
One a side note: This city loves their dogs. Many restaurants have hooks outside so you can bring your dog to dinner. I think that is pretty cool. Not right now when you melt walking outdoors but once it cools off it would be nice to take Tucker to lunch. I need to get him here first.

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