Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Kawagoe Part 2

At one time Kawagoe (pronounced Ka-wa-gô-a), had its own castle. There isn't much left due to the destruction of a major earthquake in 1923 and World War II. 

It was still interesting to see. Ignorantly when I thought about moving to Japan this was the style of home I thought we would be living in.  Not as big of course but same idea. I was very wrong but so wish that wasn't the case. The simplicity in this style sings to me. 

The last few pictures are from another area left standing of the castle grounds. The grounds were fairly extensive. This was a good 8-10 minute walk from the above location. We found this really fun bridge, unfortunately it was later in the day and this place was like a ghost town. So, I'm not in the picture. O'well.

 It was only about an hour away and well worth the trip. It was a fun place to experience. The castles here are so not the castles in Europe that I am used to. I can't wait to explore the rest of them.

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