Thursday, October 20, 2016

Apologies, but Our Stuff is Here!

     I am so sorry I've been absent for the past week. We finally got our sea shipment. WOOHOO!!! Let me tell you 8 weeks is a very long time to live with minimal rented furniture. We were all so happy to have our own beds. Oh how I have missed my bed! The kids were ecstactic to get their toys back. What I would give to have had my phone on me when Lincoln did a crazy dance after seeing his skateboards. It was hilarious! Payton disappeared for two days just playing with all her stuff. Between working on homework and regular life stuff I've been unpacking. I'm trying to keep my house from looking like this for too much longer. I'm sure anyone who as ever moved can relate. This keeps me up at night....

     Here is a stack of the all the boxes I've unloaded so far and I still have 3-4 rooms to go. I can safely say, "we have a lot of crap," but I am grateful for every bit of it. Home isn't a home until you are surrounded with your masses of accumulated junk. :)

         It was a wonderful birthday present. However, anyone that knows me, knows my birthday is jinxed. My birthday misfortunes have never failed me in all the ummm 21 years I've been alive. LOL I was a little stressed when I found out our stuff was due the day before my birthday. I could only imagine the ship going down during a hurricane, maybe just my container slipping off into the depths of the ocean, the Japanese government deciding to keep it in holding for a few more weeks, the possibilities were endless. Well, I am happy to say nothing as bad as all that happened, but they did confiscate some of our good meds. Like Advil Cold and Sinus, Migraine meds, and a few others. How did they find them you ask? Well that's where my crappy birthday comes into play. They randomly select a few boxes to Xray on your shipment. Seriously! I guess, you win some you loose some. Scott just has a few more things added to his "to buy when he goes to the states" list. Give me a few more days and I'll be back to posting as normal. I'll post a few pics of our apartment all finished.

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