Saturday, October 8, 2016

Good Times but a Little Soggy

     We took Payton to Shinagawa Aqua Park today. Her brothers have been gone the past 5 days on a super fun school field trip and we only felt it fair she get to do something fun too. Let me tell you this place was a blast! At first I was a little skeptical as we made our way through the fish tanks with teeny tiny fish and plastic Japanese people floating in them. (I'm sorry I failed you and didn't take a pic.) It was strange. They have a very pretty merry go round and that ship ride everyone loves at carnivals for you enjoyment and a little extra money. We came to see the dolphin show. I heard it was good and it didn't disappoint.
     Some of these guys were just ginormous! I'm pretty sure they were some kind of whale, but once again limited Japanese here. Payton insisted on sitting in the front row. Lame mom and dad who didn't want to get wet sat 6 rows back. We gave her some popcorn, a drink and pulled a poncho over her head. She was one happy camper.
Even when she got wet. 

     One of my favorite things was the family corner where every half hour or so they bring out a new animal to introduce. We stayed for the sea lion one. Even though we couldn't understand a darn thing they were saying (aside from please and thank you, we have these words down) it was still entertaining. There just something about an animal acting like a human that tickles your funny bone. I also have to say it's not very often you get to selfie this close to a sea lion. FYI he stunk like fish.  
Overall we had a great time. They had some pretty big fish to take a look at. The jelly fish room was a sight to behold. I'm sure we will find our way here again with the boys in tow. 

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