Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Valentine's Japan Style

     I know this is a little late but I it's fun info. First, I need to say I love how the Japanese take American holidays and change them to what they like or only pick bits and pieces to participate in.           So, Valentine's day in Japan is only for girls to give to boys. It isn't gifts but chocolates, typically of the homemade variety. The stores set up massive displays with every kind of accoutrement under the sun to make the very best treats. Along with cute little boxes of 2, 4 or 6 slots to put them in. Now you can go purchase some pretty elaborate chocolates, they are all over, but of course homemade is preferred. Valentine's day also doesn't have all the romantic implication that it does in the states. It's very casual, pretty much if you think someone is fun you can gift them chocolates. My husband came home on a sugar high from all the candy he was gifted at work. Apparently they think he is pretty likeable too.

   He was gifted this one set of crackers, which he thought were cookies (that's a different holiday). They were fish flavored and he hates fish. LOL. He was brave and tried one though and was nice enough to bring them home for me to try. I never saw any of the chocolates.
   Now you wonder what gives. Why don't the girls get anything. Well we do. On March 14th, the boys gift to the girls and guess what it is??? Cookies, that's right homemade cookies. I can't wait! Unfortunately with all the chocolates my husband devoured at work, I see a bunch of cookie making in my future, because I can't imagine him making them. LOL!

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