Thursday, November 17, 2016

I Hate Heights!

We took a trip out to Odiaba. Super fun place to shop. There is a mall just like home. Old Navy, American Eagle,etc, etc, all at ridiculous prices but whatever it's normal. Of course we couldn't possibly head home until we took a ride on the ferris wheel.

This used to be the tallest in the world but now it's #5, I think. Regardless its high, and did I mention it was high? I am not a lover of heights. I never let the fear keep me from doing fun things, like rollercoasters, now those are fun. Going around in a small container that is attached to a big wheel supported by two sticks in the ground is NOT fun. Especially in earthquake country. Just how do you suppose one would get down if they got stranded at the top of a 337 ft tall ferris wheel? You don't that's how. You die! I lived to tell my tale and I hope I'm done with them for a while.

We did also see a very cool transformer type robot that was as tall as the mall out there too.

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